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Teachers Agriculture

The National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization (NAITCO) Classroom Resource Grant Program is designed to fund projects that will educate Pre-K-12 students about the importance of agriculture and allow teachers to use agricultural concepts to teach core subject areas.

Grant Award: $500
Application Deadline: 4/15/2024



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The National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization (NAITCO) Classroom Resource Grant Program is designed to fund projects that will educate Pre-K-12 students about the importance of agriculture and allow teachers to use agricultural concepts to teach core subject areas.


In order to be eligible to receive one of the NAITC Classroom Resource grants, applicants must:

  • Use at least TWO lessons from the National Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix on the National Agriculture in the Classroom website at www.agclassroom.org or from their state Agriculture in the Classroom program.
  • Include an itemized budget, using the provided form, identifying resources from National Agriculture in the Classroom (www.agclassroomstore.com) or American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture (dmsfulfillment.com/FarmBureau) that will be used to supplement their classroom instruction and increase the ag literacy of their students.